O'Brien eyes Tipperary for Feud Richard O'Brien's Feud, who created a good impression when winning a novice hurdle at the Galway Festival, is set to reappear at Tipperary in October. Prior to that success in Ballybrit, he shed his maiden tag over flights in Listowel by six and a-half lengths. He also landed a handicap on the Flat in Haydock last year for his former trainer Ralph Beckett. O'Brien told Racing TV yesterday: "We are going to go to Tipperary on the 6th October. "He has been terrific. He has been having an easy time but he'll have to start back riding tomorrow (Monday). Very pleased with him. "I think so (going back on the Flat has been put on the back burner) - I'm not certain if I'm doing the right thing, but I feel as if we should wait and see the ceiling he has over hurdles before re-exploring the Flat. I don't want to complicate things."