Capo Bastone (USA)-Sky Ay Ay Ay(Sky Mesa)
(Snowden, Dennis And Petroff, Carl)
Rated 87
Roi Charmant (USA)-Daring Little E(Stormy Jack)
(Tawnja Elison)
Rated 87
Stanford (USA)-Made To Worship(Ministers Wild Cat)
(Cady, Todd And Lambert, Jeffrey)
Rated 87
Gallant Son (USA)-Be Faithful(Vicar)
(Clark, Karen, Ackerman, Jerry And Lombardo, Anthony)
Rated 86
Mr. Big (USA)-Miss Graziella(Mutakddim)
(Steve Morrison)
Rated 88
Abraaj (USA)-Point Da Harbor(Harbor The Gold)
(Ronald Hagen)
Rated 86
Symbols Explained
bl2 Blinkers bo2 Blinkers one cowl e2 Ear Plugs hd2 Hood p2 Pacifier pc2 Pacifier with cowls ps2 Pacifier one cowl sr2 Shadow Roll cp2 Cheekpiece co2 Cheekpiece one side tt2 Tongue Tie vs2 Visor sb2 Sheepskin Browband cc2 Cornell Collar xb2 Crossed Nose Band cd2 Course and Distance Winner c2 Course Winner d2 Distance Winner bf Beaten Favourite on Last Run
The superscript number on headgear bl2 indicates number of times worn. A plus bl+ indicates more than 10 times where as red background bl1indicates first time.